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New Government funded service: Free aged care translation service including sign language | Aged Care | Gratitude in-home care

New Government funded service: Free aged care translation service including sign language

The Australian Government is now providing a free translation service to help aged care providers communicate with older people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Aged care providers have free access to TIS National, which includes 24/7 immediate phone interpreting, pre-booked phone interpreting, on-site (in-person) interpreting, Automated Telephone Interpreting Service (ATIS), and video remote interpreting. These services ensure effective communication and improved care for older Australians from diverse backgrounds. Providers can get print and digital materials translated into various migrant languages and use ‘Easy Read’ or ‘Easy English’ versions for better clarity.

Get in contact for any in-home aged care inquiries and to arrange a free consultation.

🌐 https://gihc.com.au/
📞 1300 912 155, (03) 9863 6149
📧 [email protected]

Free aged care translation service

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