84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: [email protected]


World Lupus Day | Aged Care Australia

Today is world Lupus Day. We’re raising awareness for Lupus, which is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in various parts of the body and currently has no cure.


Lupus symptoms differ from person to person, can come and go over a lengthy period of time, and frequently mimic those of other conditions, so lupus can be challenging to diagnose. It’s critical to understand the lupus warning signs and symptoms.


About one-third of lupus patients have the facial “butterfly” rash.


Information and ways to get involved can be found here: https://worldlupusday.org/

Get into contact with us for any in-home aged care requests.

🌐 https://gihc.com.au/
📞 1300 912 155, (03) 9863 6149
📧 [email protected]

World Lupus Day

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