84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: [email protected]


The 7 A’s of dementia can help us understand how dementia affects the brain.

The 7 A’s of dementia can help us understand how dementia affects the brain.

Not everyone with dementia experiences all the A’s and symptoms may be different for every person.

Anosognosia: Inability to recognise that something is wrong

Amnesia: Memory loss, beginning with short-term memory

Aphasia: Loss of ability to use language

Agnosia: Inability to recognise objects by using the senses

Apraxia: Difficulty with activities requiring coordination

Altered Perceptions: Misinterpretation of information from senses

Apathy: Lack of interest or ability to begin activities