84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: [email protected]


Recognising the signs of sepsis early can save lives

If an infection you have is not getting better, it could cause sepsis. Sepsis is an emergency medical condition, similar to strokes or heart attacks, so every minute is crucial.

The risk of dying from sepsis increases as we age, so aged care staff must be alert to signs of the disease.

These signs include:

• fast heartbeat

• fatigue

• chills

• slurred speech

• short of breath


• body aches

• discoloured skin

If you notice that an infection of yours is not going away, get it checked out as soon as possible.

Lots of information on sepsis can be found on the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention website here: https://www.cdc.gov/sepsis/index.html