84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: [email protected]


Gardening tips for seniors

Gardening can be a great way for seniors to get physical activity and stimulation. We know that gardening can involve lifting and bending, which is why we have come up with some useful gardening tips for seniors.

  • Raised garden beds can be installed to reduce the need to bend down while working on the garden.
  • Lightweight gardening tools that are ergonomic are easier to get a grip on and minimise discomfort.
  • By planting low maintenance plants and crops that are easy to grow, you can reduce the effort required to look after them such as replanting.
  • If the mowing is becoming too much, you can consider reducing the size of the lawn by introducing extra garden beds, vegetable gardens, ground covers, mulch, tiling, etc. This can lead to a reduction of water usage, green waste, and maintenance. Alternatively, you can give us a call to arrange mowing or discuss options to reduce the size of your lawn.
  • You can Install an efficient and cost-effective watering system that will also reduce the effort you put in to looking after your garden.
  • It is important to remove weeds before they mature, or else they will continue to grow and make it harder for you to remove them.


  • Winter/after it’s final bloom fades is a suitable time to prune trees, plants or shrubs that shed their leaves seasonally, which makes it easier to see what should be pruned, helps to rejuvenate growth, and avoid spreading disease.


For any enquiries with the garden, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at [email protected]