84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: [email protected]


Flow State

You are in flow state when you are so absorbed in something that you forget everything else around you. As a result, you do not experience many thoughts about yourself or your performance. This is sometimes referred to as “in the zone”.


There are many ways people can achieve a state of flow such as art, puzzles, gardening, games., reading, which differs from person to person.


A study was done during covid 19 lockdowns, finding that all the participants engaging in activities that required skill and engagement, reduced feelings of loneliness despite their isolation.


Finding activities to achieve a flow state can be very useful for seniors to combat loneliness and keep their brain active to prevent dementia.


The study can be found here: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/how-to-reduce-loneliness-through-flow


Diagram by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


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