84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: [email protected]


Aged Care Funding Models

There are three types of aged care funding models:

• Home Care Packages (HCP): This funding model is designed to meet the needs of any individuals, ranging from low level needs to high levels needs with package levels 1 to 4.

• Self-funded: Seniors have the option to pay for the services they receive entirely from their own pocket. Self-funding is for individuals that are not eligible for a home care package, or they are waiting for their home care package to be made available.

• Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP): This funding model is designed for seniors who have very low-level needs, around 2-4 hours of services requires each fortnight. Recipients of CHSPs may only use this funding on specific allocated services.

For information about our services visit our website at gihc.com.au, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at [email protected]