In aged care, every individual deserves to receive dignity, respect and quality services as a fundamental right. The Aged Care Quality Standards outline the criteria for exemplary care provision. These quality standards are a compliance requirement set by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. The eight quality standards are as follows:
Standard 1: Consumer Dignity & Choice
Reflects concepts of self-worth, choice, and respect for diversity.
Ensures dignity, cultural safety, choice, independence, privacy, and clear communication.
Standard 2: Assessment & Planning
Guides providers in planning personalised care based on assessments.
Focuses on identifying needs, preferences, and goals, with regular reviews.
Standard 3: Personal & Clinical Care
Ensures safe, effective personal and clinical care.
Addresses end-of-life care, mental health, infection control, and timely referrals.
Standard 4: Daily Living Support
Offers safe, effective support to promote independence and well-being.
Covers emotional, spiritual, and psychological well-being, along with meal and equipment quality.
Standard 5: Service Environment
Promotes a welcoming, functional environment that enhances independence and interaction.
Ensures safety, cleanliness, and suitability of furniture, fittings, and equipment.
Standard 6: Feedback & Complaints
Requires accessible, confidential, and fair systems for feedback and complaint resolution.
Encourages consumer engagement, advocates, and continuous improvement.
Standard 7: Human Resources
Demands a skilled, respectful workforce equipped for safe, quality care.
Focuses on competency, training, support, and performance assessment.
Standard 8: Organizational Governance
Holds governing bodies accountable for promoting safe, inclusive care.
Emphasizes consumer engagement, effective governance, and risk management.
For more information, visit the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website at:https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/providers/quality-standards
Get in touch for any in-home aged care support inquiries or to book a free consultation!
1300 912 155, (03) 9863 6149
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