Keeping track of which medication to take at specific times can be difficult to manage, regardless of age or ability, and taking incorrect amounts can have serious consequences. As we age, we will need to take more medications which can increase the risk of contradictions, undesirable effects, and dosage errors. So, to make sure medicine intake is being managed properly, it is important to track it by having a list of medications with dosages for each one. Then it is important to organise medications into time and day which can be done with the help of medication dispensers/organisers.
It is also very important that medicine intake is reviewed on a yearly basis to make sure that they are suitable. It is possible that things can change, for example:
* side effects from the medicine can develop.
* health conditions can become more serious.
* additional medicines may be required.
* treatment guidelines for conditions can change.
* some medication may no longer be needed.
Gratitude In-home Care provides medication assistance services help take the stress and worry out taking medications by tracking exactly which medication needs to be taken and when.
Feel free to contact us for any in-home aged care services.
📞 1300 912 155, (03) 9863 6149

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