84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: info@gihc.com.au


New funding model for residential aged care this October

In October 2022, a new funding model (AN-ACC) will be replacing the current funding model for residential aged care (ACFI). The AN-ACC assessment tool has been purpose-designed to capture those resident characteristics that best predict the costs of care to meet resident needs more accurately that the current ACFI model.

The department of Health and Aged Care has released the AN-ACC funding and care minutes estimator to give providers an estimate on potential funding and care minutes targets for residential aged care facilities. The estimator can be accessed here: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/an-acc-funding-and-care-minutes-estimator/estimator

CCTV Trial In Aged Care Facilities

The Government funded trial that involved setting up CCTV cameras in residential aged care facilities to detect when patients have accidents such as falling over or other incidents between workers and residents. However, the artificial intelligence that was used in these cameras to detect these incidents was not able to distinguish the difference between a resident kneeling down and having fallen, therefore causing thousands of false alarms, ultimately leading to the failure of the trial.

Advocates say that despite this failure, this idea should not be ruled out and it’s worth exploring more options to tackle these issues.

Pledge of free public transport for healthcare workers

The Victorian Government opposition pledges to offer free public transport for healthcare workers for the next four years, if elected in the November.

This will help those health care workers that rely on public transport to get to work, however many need a car to get to work because of their work locations and hours of employment.

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Victorian secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick said that it would be more helpful if Victorians could be encouraged to wear masks in the community to reduce the rate of covid infections relieve pressure on the health care sector.

The 7 A’s of dementia can help us understand how dementia affects the brain.

The 7 A’s of dementia can help us understand how dementia affects the brain.

Not everyone with dementia experiences all the A’s and symptoms may be different for every person.

Anosognosia: Inability to recognise that something is wrong

Amnesia: Memory loss, beginning with short-term memory

Aphasia: Loss of ability to use language

Agnosia: Inability to recognise objects by using the senses

Apraxia: Difficulty with activities requiring coordination

Altered Perceptions: Misinterpretation of information from senses

Apathy: Lack of interest or ability to begin activities

Flow State

You are in flow state when you are so absorbed in something that you forget everything else around you. As a result, you do not experience many thoughts about yourself or your performance. This is sometimes referred to as “in the zone”.


There are many ways people can achieve a state of flow such as art, puzzles, gardening, games., reading, which differs from person to person.


A study was done during covid 19 lockdowns, finding that all the participants engaging in activities that required skill and engagement, reduced feelings of loneliness despite their isolation.


Finding activities to achieve a flow state can be very useful for seniors to combat loneliness and keep their brain active to prevent dementia.


The study can be found here: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/how-to-reduce-loneliness-through-flow


Diagram by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


#flow #flowstate #flowstateofmind # agedcare #respitecare #palliativecare #agedplus #brain #memory #homecare #dementiacare #healthcare #support #carersaustralia #caregiver #incontinence #elderlycare #mentalhealth #nurse #caregivers #homecareservices #dementia

My Aged Care’s free Auslan interpreting service

My Aged Care can be contacted through a free Auslan video interpreting service.


Upon making a booking, My aged care will set you up a three-way video with an Auslan interpreter and a My Aged Care agent to answer any queries.


Bookings can be made by calling 1300 773 803 or emailing interpreting@deafconnect.org.au. Be sure to get in contact well in advance to ensure an interpreter is available.


For information about our services visit our website at gihc.com.au, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at info@gihc.com.au

Registered Nurses required to be on site 24 hours a day at all aged care facilities.

A new law has been passed by the Albanese government requiring registered nurses to be on site 24 hours a day at all aged care facilities.

The Albanese government suggests that for issues a nurse can solve on the spot, thousands of trips to hospital emergency departments will be avoided, saving both stress and money.

Aged & Community Care Providers Association interim chief executive Paul Sadler said one in five providers, totalling 500 aged care homes, would simply not be able to put a nurse on every day and would also struggle on weekends during this staffing crisis. Many providers are likely to seek exemptions as they struggle to fill shifts.

For information about our services visit our website at gihc.com.au, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at info@gihc.com.au

What can be bought with a Home Care Package (HCP)?

My Aged Care has released an Operational manual for Home Care Package consumers, which explains in detail what can and cannot be purchased with Home Care Package funds.

Home Care Package funds should only be used for care and services that meet individual’s care needs, personal goals, optimize your health and wellbeing, help you to live safely and independently in your own home, as set out in their My Aged Care support plan and care plan.

HCP funds can also be used to purchase telehealth, assistive technology, as well as aids and equipment that assists a person to perform daily living skills.

What can’t HCP funds be used for?

HCP funds shall not be used to purchase items or services that are not necessary to optimizing the health, safety, and independence of clients in their own home. This includes items that would normally be purchased out of general income; take-away meals, mortgage payments, rent, entertainment activities, gambling activities, home modifications not related to care needs, & more.

If a specific care or services is not listed, you will need to work with your provider to determine whether is it a necessary for you to live safely and independently at home.

Visit the Operational manual for Home Care Package consumers for a comprehensive list of products and services which are part of the inclusions and exclusions. Find the manual here: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-09/operational-manual-for-home-care-package-consumers.pdf

For information about our services visit our website at gihc.com.au, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at info@gihc.com.au

Aged Care Transport Services Help Older People Stay Connected

Transport support services support individuals to travel to places they want or need to go to. Restrictions on the travel of seniors can lead to loneliness, which can develop into more serious issues. It might also be the case that seniors need to go to see a doctor or pick up medication and failing to do so could be a major problem. Providers that assist with helping seniors access the community can help them stay connected with the community and prevent the negative effects of loneliness.

At GIHC, our support workers can take clients to doctors appointments, visit family and friends, attend events, go to the pharmacy, go shopping etc. In addition to transport services, we provide companionship & social support, and shopping support so that clients can be accompanied by their support worker and feel at ease at any of these places.

We also have a cab charge card service for clients, so they can have the freedom to travel to any place on their own. We top up individual cab cards for clients and they can simply pay for their trip with that card.

For information about our services visit our website at gihc.com.au, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at info@gihc.com.au

What can a Physiotherapist help with?

Physiotherapists can help identify, diagnose, and treat movement problems. Perhaps you have fallen recently, are scared of falling, have difficulty walking, not feeling steady, feeling restricted, have pain in muscles/joints, or require rehabilitation. A physiotherapist can help improve wellbeing by reducing painful movement.

A list of activities that physiotherapists can help with:
• Identify and treat various physical ailments
• Designing treatment plans
• implementing therapeutic exercise programs
• utilizing specialist techniques to treat different injuries
• Data collection and analysis
• Report writing
• Interacting with other health professionals such as doctors, therapists, and nurses
• Educate and train patients and carers
• Use the most current industry knowledge and treatments
Gratitude In-Home Care provides Allied health services including Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy.
Prior to providing services, we will visit the client’s home and conduct a free home safety assessment and decide whether safety measures need to be put in place, such as non-slip mats in the bathroom, handrails, and lights.

For information about our services visit our website at gihc.com.au, Call us on (03) 9863 6149 or 1300 912 155 after hours, email us at info@gihc.com.au