84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: info@gihc.com.au


Aged Care reforms from 1 January 2023 | My Aged Care | Australia

Providers will no longer be able to charge exit fees.

Providers cannot charge package management fees when you didn’t receive any services from them.

There are set limits for management fees that will be providers can charge, now being set to 20% for care management and 15% for package management.

Charges for brokerage or subcontracting of goods or services must be charged all-inclusively and agreed on before good is purchased or services commence. Providers cannot charge a separate handling or invoicing fee.

These changes will force some providers to be more transparent when it comes to fees and drop their fees, in turn giving a lot of seniors more hours for their home care packages than before when they could charge 40-50% of people’s home care packages, with the addition of exit fees, and hidden fees.

View the Home Care Packages pricing update via the link on this page.


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We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Universal Human Rights Month | My Aged Care | Australia

December is Universal Human Rights Month. This is a good time to reflect on the way we treat others, our views on how everyone deserves to be treated, how our country upholds human rights, and what could be done better.

You can celebrate universal human rights month by doing something good for others, whether big or small.

When it comes to the aged care industry in Australia, everyone has the right to high quality care and services, always treated with respect, listened to, and understood. For a full list of rights, head to the my aged care website. 

Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Covid Health Management plan for 2023

The federal government has just released a Covid Health Management plan for 2023. Some of the key points of the plan can be seen below:

  • Covid admissions to hospitals will be funded by the government.
  • Covid vaccine program will be extended until December 2023.
  • Only individuals who get a medical referral can get a PCR test as of next year.
  • Getting a PCR test is not required nor advised for low-risk people.
  • More assistance will be available for aged care, First Nations, disability, and multicultural communities.
  • Individuals can get 10 Subsidised consultations with psychologists.

The COVID health management plan for 2023 will cost an additional $2.9 billion and is being implemented at a time when cases in NSW are surging, with 40,000 cases and 48 fatalities reported in the most recent week. Covid is expected to continue developing for at least two more years but is not expected to develop into a very severe strain.

View the full plan

Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Visiting Elderly This Christmas

There are currently no restrictions limiting the number of visitors in the residential aged care and home settings this Christmas in Melbourne, Victoria.

However, for the residential aged care setting, all visitors and staff should wear a mask when visiting.

People that are not feeling well should not risk visiting elderly and social distancing should be practiced where possible. We encourage visiting elderly loved ones, as for some, Christmas can be a lonely time, and time is precious.

Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Allied health professionals in residential aged care are seeing reduced hours

Changes to the residential aged care funding model took place on October 1, and with this, residents are getting more time with nurses and personal care workers, however a survey from Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) has found that allied health professionals working in nursing homes are experiencing reduced hours since funding model changes. As a result, one in eight allied health professionals have lost their jobs and further 30 per cent are planning to leave the residential aged care sector.

AHPA CEO Bronwyn Morris-Donovan states that we’re seeing serious impacts as a result of the government not setting allied health benchmarks such as minimum allied health minutes or targeted funding.

Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Questions to ask when choosing an in-home aged care provider

1.       What makes your organisation different from other providers?


It is important to do research into organisations and find out which organisation is best suited to your needs and preferences.


2.       What services do you offer?


It is important to be detailed when explaining the services that you require. You should also include care needs, frequency, duration, location, preferences, medical conditions, and when when you require the services to be delivered. All these items and more should be outlined in an intake/referral form.


3.       What fees are involved?


It is important to know what fees are involved and how much they cost because it will depend how many hours you can get for your home care package or how many hours you can afford to pay out of pocket if you’re a self-funded individual. Some providers charge entry, exit, and daily fees, so make sure to be aware of all the fees before signing an agreement.


4.       How much do your services cost?


It is important to know how much the services you require will be costing you, whether you have a home care package or if you’re a self- funded individual. Providers should be happy to let you know exactly how much everything will cost.


5.       What is the minimum number of hours per shift?


Most in-home aged care providers have a minimum number of hours of shift that you can request because it isn’t easy to get personal care assistants to work short shifts, especially if they’re required to drive to a different suburb.


Visit http://www.gihc.com.au/ to see what makes us different, check out our servicespricing, fees and more information and make the right decision for you. Contact us for more information.


Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Covid-19 wave putting strain on the health care sector

We are experiencing another Covid-19 wave which is putting strain on the health care sector. Hospitals around Melbourne are experiencing a high demand and staff shortages due to sick staff, which is causing overly long wait times. New daily covid cases are over 4,000 at the moment, which is higher than the 7-day daily average.

This new wave is a mixture of Omicron sub-variants which are more transmissible than previous variants. Experts are confident that this wave will not get out of control and result in enforced restrictions and that the new variants are not becoming now serious.

In Victoria, the isolation period remains 5 days or longer if you still have symptoms, 7 days or longer if you still have symptoms for health care workers.  

Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

World AIDS Day December 1

World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, spread awareness and information about HIV & AIDS.

AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection. HIV/AIDS affects straight, gay and bisexual of all races and genders.

Medication can be taken to stop the development from HIV to AIDS, thus people can live a long and happy life despite having HIV. However, there are still half a million people worldwide that die each year from AIDS, so it is important to know that there is treatment available and should be sought out as a soon as being aware of having HIV.

Know more about our Aged Care Services

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

International N24 Awareness Day

Today is International N24 Awareness Day, where we are spreading awareness for N24, also known as 24-hour sleep wake disorder, or Hypernychthemera Disorder, which affects over 50 per cent of totally blind people, and a small percentage of sighted people.

N24 is caused by the dis-regulation of the day-night cycle “nature clock” to synchronise with the “brain clock” sleep-wake cycle, which can lead to chronic sleep deprivation accumulating, excessive daytime sleepiness, issues concentration, and memory.

There is no cure to N24, however there are treatments and medicine available which includes, melatonin, light therapy, hormones.

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.

Spreading Awareness for Diabetes, How can we help!?

This month is diabetes awareness month, so we want to spread awareness of resources and how you can help fund for research in finding a cure.

Type 1 diabetes is a genetic autoimmune disease that people are born with, there is not evidence pointing to it being hereditary. With type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin for the blood for blood sugar to enter cells in the bloodstream for energy use, which causes high blood sugar levels, which is harmful to the body

Type 2 diabetes is the less common form of diabetes which is mostly developed through overweight, obesity and an inactive lifestyle.

Currently, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes do not have a cure but there is continued research on a cure, therapies, and treatments. By bringing awareness to diabetes, we can help to change the views of governments to get financial support and deliver real change. People can join the JDRF blue army by creating a fundraiser or their own or joining one of the many events around Australia. This money will go to much needed research. Visit the blue army 

Try our calculator for self-funded individuals!

We understand that it can be stressful trying to figure out how much money the care you need will cost. We’ve made it easy to figure out how much it will cost for even the most complicated of care plans.