84 Hotham St, Preston VIC 3072

Office Hours: MON – FRI 09:00am – 5:00pm


Email: info@gihc.com.au


Overview of Care and Services

B1 Services

(1) Your Care Manager will work with you to design a Care Plan setting out the Services you will receive. We will provide you with a copy of your Care Plan and details about any changes to your Care Plan. Your initial Care Plan and Service Schedule are attached at Part G or will otherwise be provided to you within 14 days of the date of this Agreement.

(2) The Services you can receive under your Home Care Package depend on your care needs (which we will assess) and the funds available under your Home Care Package including government subsidies, your Contributions and Top-up Contributions. These amounts will be set out in your Budget.

(3) If the level of Home Care Package you are approved to receive is upgraded, we will work with you to develop a new Care Plan, Service Schedule, and Budget.

(4) The standard types of Services you can receive are set out in the Specified Care and Services at Part F.

(5) In addition to the Services you are assessed by us as requiring, you can request other Services. If we are able to, and the Services you request are not excluded items (see Part F), we will incorporate those Services into your Home Care Package so long as those Services can be safely provided having regard to your assessed needs. You must have sufficient funds in your Budget or agree to pay for those Services through Top-up Contributions.

(6) We can refuse to provide a particular Service if we assess it as being unsafe or outside the scope of our practice. We can also refuse to provide a particular Service if that Service is unavailable or if we are unable to secure a suitable service provider.

(7) If you arrange a Service without consulting us and without it being incorporated into your Care Plan and Budget, you will be responsible for the cost of that Service.

B2 Care Manager

(1) Your Care Manager will work with you to arrange your Services. This includes developing your Care Plan, Service Schedule and Budget and liaising with relevant personnel and health practitioners.

(2) Your Care Manager will answer any questions you have about the scope, suitability, or quality of the Services you receive.

(3) The level of support provided by you Care Manager will be limited to the number of hours set out in the Pricing Schedule or if no maximum hours are set out in the Pricing Schedule, the number of hours set out in your Budget. If you require more support than that allowed additional Care Management Fees and/or Package Management Fees will apply (as notified).

B3 Service Delivery

(1) You must be at your Home at the designated times to receive Services. If you are absent, we may still charge you for the attendance.

(2) If you want to change or cancel a Service you must provide us with Prior Notice. If you do not provide us with Prior Notice, we may still charge you for the attendance (3hr minimum).

(3) You must allow attending personnel to complete and perform their duties in the time allocated to you.

(4) You must make full disclosure of any matter which relates to or may affect us providing Services to you. For example, if you believe the Services may pose a danger to you, you must immediately advise the attending personnel of your concerns.

B4 Who Will Provide the Services?

(1) Services will be provided to you in full or in part by us or by a contractor we consider suitable. If we engage a contractor to provide Services to you, the applicable charges will be deducted from your Package as Service Charges.

(2) We have a list of preferred service and product suppliers. If you wish to receive Services from another supplier, we will endeavour to arrange this, but you may incur additional service or administration costs including an additional administration charge (details of which will be set out in your Budget). We will notify you of the Service Charges for other suppliers.

(3) We can refuse to use particular personnel or a particular service provider or supplier to provide you with Services if they do not meet our supplier requirements or if we determine at any time that the goods or services, they provide do not meet the standards required under this Agreement or the Aged Care Act.

(4) If we offer a self-management option and it is agreed that you will self-manage your package, you must:

(a) verify with us our requirements for self-management; and

(b) comply with our self-management policies and procedures (as notified).

Self-management will impact on our ability to comply with aspects of this Agreement which assumes we provide or procure Services directly. If self-management creates an inconsistency with our obligations, our obligations are to be read and applied in a manner required to give effect to the agreed self-management arrangement.

(6) You understand that Services may be supplied by various service providers and personnel from time to time. We make no warranties or guarantee that Services will be provided by the same person or service provider.

B5 Equipment

(1) If you are assessed as requiring aids and equipment, you can use your Package Funds to purchase, hire, maintain and/or repair these items provided you have sufficient funds, and it is otherwise permitted by the Aged Care Act.

(2) If your Care Plan requires supporting equipment, we will seek to procure that equipment to assist you. You must comply with the terms upon which a third party provides equipment.

(3) If the equipment is damaged (other than by attending personnel), you are responsible for the repair costs and/or replacement of the equipment (as determined by us).

(4) If we decide that you no longer need any equipment that we have supplied for hire or loan, you must promptly make the equipment available for collection or return.

(5) Once the provision of Services stops, you must promptly make any equipment we have provided available for collection or return (unless you have paid for the equipment in full). If you fail to do so, you must pay us the costs of replacing the equipment.

B6 Emergencies

(1) We are not a medical service provider. If our personnel are present in the event of a medical emergency, ambulance support will be sought. You will be responsible for the costs of the ambulance and any medical treatment you are provided with.

(2) If you require urgent care, please contact your general practitioner, or dial 000